Foot Reading goes hand in hand with Reflexology and is certainly a process that I automatically include when i am presented with a client's feet, either on a first visit or on subsequent visits.
It's quite a complex study to learn to read your feet, both plantar and dorsal but with practice it becomes more and more fascinating with each new client. So much is showing you what a life's journey that person has been on, both physically and emotionally. Your right foot shows the story of your past, even from being in the womb, and the left foot shows what is happening at this present time. Clients who have been attending on a regular basis and have been suffering from various conditions for quite a long time but are recovering well, this is shown in their left foot as great improvements are made.
In Reflexology you are physically feeling problems or in-balances within the body, through touch, in Foot Reading you are seeing problems etc just by looking.
In general, the area's we look at are: size & shape of the feet, age of the feet, how the feet fall, blemishes i.e. scars-freckles and moles, swelling and inflammation, lumps & bumps, scar tissue-fissures, fractures, colour of the feet, temperature, tone of the feet, smell, moisture or dryness, many foot disorders and nail conditions.
How a person walks or stands is also an indication that something is out of balance. Toes showing from the Dorsal side give a lot of clues as to how that person is going through life.
It may seem strange or bonkers to most people, that someone can read your feet but its not palm reading or some hocus pocus, its real and proven that you can tell a lot just by looking and asking relevant questions of your client.
Feet change from day to day, month to month, year to year but somethings dont change and thats your uniqueness.
Every foot is unique to that person and tells a story.
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