Holistic Medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person -- body, mind, spirit, and emotions -- in the quest for optimal health and wellness. It involves integrating conventional and alternative therapies to prevent and treat disease, and most importantly, to promote optimal health.
Structural Reflexology is the practice of integrating foot reflexology with anatomy, physiology and kinesiology by using local and reflexive methods to release stress and compensation in the entire body.
Structural Reflexology address tension sites on the feet as the product of local muscle and ligament strain while maintaining an understanding of how these sites of tension on the feet will impact the rest of the body.
Most individuals who seek the services of a Structural Reflexologist are looking to relieve the stress of foot pain while benefiting from the calming effect of reflexology. The nervous system speaks loudly when it comes to foot discomfort because of the thousands of nerve endings in the feet that make them extra sensitive. Usually the person seeking out reflexology has tried everything and Structural Reflexology becomes their last resort and it leaves them wondering in the end why they didn't go down this path to begin with.
The Aim of Structural Reflexology:
Let me talk to you about SHOES, boring i know for some but what type of shoes you put your feet into are of the upmost importance for your wellbeing and foot welfare.
The shoe makers have a lot to answer for in making certain individuals life a misery, due to pain and deformity. Many shoes are designed for fashion not for comfort and the correct alignment of the feet and therefore the rest of the body, any shoe type that scrunches your toes together, as in a pointed toe box fold the foot and toes, making it awkward to bear weight. Above the imprisoned feet, the knees and hips distort as they struggle to adjust to the binding and bowing of the feet below. Subsequently the ligaments that keep the knees and hips aligned become irritated and arthritic, preventing the normal, correct hinging of the knee and fluid hip movement. The ligaments of the foot designed to balance the body in space weaken and lose their elasticity and ability to keep the bones of the foot in place.
Most people are unaware that the muscles that move the arch and toes are found deep within the calf muscles. These long foot muscles are greatly affected by shoes that require the toes to curl to keep it from falling off. This includes any shoe that is a backless slip-on, flip-flop or a clog style. This may sound confusing to those who are accustomed to wearing these shoes because their feet have been clenching the shoe long enough to forget how much energy and focus it takes for the toes to adapt to this demand. Footwear that requires the use of toe muscles to keep the shoe from falling off, are a recipe for disaster and they will eventually breed a multitude of health problems seemingly unrelated to wearing dysfunctional shoes. The biggest perpetrator is the Flip-Flop.
There is so much to be learnt about the connection between your feet and the whole of your body.
Please get in touch with me if this is something that may be worrying you and together we can try and resolve the situation.
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